7 Steps on How to make money “over 600k” in Opera Mini News Hub Monthly as a creator in 2022
All you need to do is just be willing to work 12 to 48hours a week and you’ll get paid handsomely on a monthly basis by Opera Mini
- STEP 1: Create an Opera Mini account
- STEP 2: Confirm login account immediately
- STEP 3: Add account information to get started
- STEP 4: Add and verify author information
- STEP 5: Open & set up your Opay account
- STEP 6: Link your Opay account to Opera News hub
- STEP 7: Create your first engaging post
Hello, welcome to bazecity content creator’s hub, I am Kizito. In this smart article, I will take you through the 7 simple steps on making between 200k to 600k monthly by creating quality content that matters on Opera Mini News Hub just by being a creator and using your smartphone in 2022.

In a bid to make you understand that this is possible, we some time ago created a detailed article on how much Opera Mini News Hub pay per click in Nigeria, as well as how much Opera Mini News Hub pay per click in South Africa and also how much they pay per click in Ghana. These were made to enable you to calculate your daily earnings based on the data and statistics you have while writing content that matters on Opera Mini News Hub as a content creator. You might therefore want to check them out as they are highlighted above.
I might be guessing rightly that you’ve heard about the opera news hub and you’ve decided to give it a trial. Or, peradventure you’re just learning about it. Anyways, you could earn money from being part of it, right? If yes is your answer, then follow suit as we go through the simple steps to earn and make money from Opera Mini News Hub as a creator this year by doing simple things.
Before we proceed, I will like to answer a few of your curiosity-based questions:
1. When Does Opera Mini Pay Creators of Their Earnings?
Currently, Opera Mini pays every 15th of each month for your previous month’s income if you are eligible to receive payment.
2. What Is Opera News Hub & How Does It Work?
Before you learn about the ways to earn money on Opera Mini News Hub as a content creator, I will take a little while to enlighten you on what Opera Mini News Hub is all about for those who do not know already.
The Opera news hub is an online media platform where bloggers and content writers can get exposure to their masterpiece of works. The content platform allows writers to write, publish and share original content online with Opera’s over 350 million users in the world.
It connects seamlessly with other Opera mobile apps like the default Opera mini browser. This means that content creators will have the opportunity to reach more international audiences and more exposure, at the same time get more social media followers, and spread their content all over the internet.
This means the more awareness your content gets on the news hub the more potential income you can make. Isn’t that interesting? Note, it’s not by the number of posts you publish regularly, but how quality are those content?
To make money with the opera news hub, you just need to come up with interesting stories and publish them at your convenience.
The least word count is 150 words and you can write as many words as you can write. The trick to making more with this platform is to write much content as possible with corresponding images to tell your stories more interestingly and engagingly.
I will advise you to write one article daily or at least once in two days to increase readers’ engagement and make more money for yourself. If you’re lucky to be making 10K from one article, think about what you’re made when you have over 20 of those similar articles.
Everything comes back to your effort and how much time you’re willing to give; the more time you give can easily increase your payout.
Your earnings on Opera news hub depends solely on engagements which means that the quality of your post will attract engagements and engagements will drive money.
The kinds of activities that occur on each post you publish on the platform determine how much you earn. That is, the more users engage with your posts, the more money you earn.
Meanwhile, to make money on Opera News hub, your content must gain enough views, likes, comments, and shares.
In other words, you can adopt the following strategies to make money with Opera News hub:
- Write viral content: Viral content is sharable content. They are some kinds of posts that go viral on social media. Why? Because they are original, relevant, informative, educational and critical. When a user comes across an interesting post and wants his friends and family to learn one thing or the other from the post, he shares it. Following that trend, others too will share and share.
- Don’t write less than 150 words per post: The volume of your post is not what matters but its authority. Ensure whatever you’re writing is rich to make readers love it. Then endeavor to write above 150 words to treat as many relevant points as possible.
- Engagement: Whenever you’re writing, find a way to engage your readers. You can even encourage readers to like, share and make a comment on your post before leaving the page.
Back to business.
7 Steps on How to make over 600k in Opera Mini News Hub Monthly as a creator in 2022.
STEP 1: Create an Opera Mini account
Before you can benefit from this program, you need to have an account on the hub. To get started, simply click on the link “Opera News Hub website” and CREATE your account. It’s free to do so.

Once you get to the Opera Mini website, you will be asked to Login or SignUp to create a new account. Then select login. As se3en in the illustration below, you would be required to either create an account with your Facebook or Gmail account. Select the one that is more con

So, for this guide, let’s use Google (Gmail).
Click Continue with Google and do all that follows which are just the normal steps you take to log in to your Gmail account using your email and password combinations.
Once Logged in via Google, the next page is all about confirming your login information and registering your details on Opera News.
Thus, these three stages have to be observed simultaneously:
- Login account confirmation
- Account information
- Author Information
STEP 2: Confirm login account immediately
At this second step, Opera Mini would send you an email to the mail address you signed up with. This is to ensure that the provided email account exists and it sorely belongs to you or you have exclusive access and right to it.
Once that is done, you would need to confirm this three login information. This is done if the above was skipped based on the login algorithm.
- Photo
- Username
- Country
If you have logged in with the right account, your login account information can’t be wrong.
But in case, something is wrong, all you will have to do is to click “Use another account“.
Otherwise, click Confirm to go to step three.
STEP 3: Add account information to get started
Even though you can always change or update your account information via your user account settings on the Opera Mini account, I will advise you to be particular about your input information and avoid mistakes.
These include your Opera News:
- Username
- Category you want to focus on (Politics, Public Safety, Entertainment, Sports, Lifestyle, Relationship, and Parenting, and so on.)
- Your profile picture
- Biography

You don’t need to make things complicated for yourself.
Just use a simple and attractive username, select an interesting category for your publications on Opera News, upload a very nice picture and comport yourself while writing your biography. Remember, your Biography should be summarised in 150 characters.
This stage is very important and you must be guided properly through it.
Just take your time to fill out the form with your personal information. The information to be provided here is what you’re going to use to claim your payment therefore, be sure about every detail. If in any way you provide a piece of incorrect information, you might not be able to withdraw your money.
NOTE: Your Opay Number is the phone number you used in opening your Opay account. That will be used for withdrawing your earnings. Much will be said later on how to open and link your Opay account to Opera News.
Once the form is filled correctly and submission is confirmed, you will be automatically redirected to your dashboard.

In case your account does not get activated immediately, do not worry as sometimes it takes a moment from Opera Mini to activate a newly opened account. The reason is that every new account is reviewed by the company before it is fully activated.
STEP 5: Open & set up your Opay account
This is also very important step to go through cretically as all payments to Opera Mini News creators are done via Opay payment.
In case you haven’t created your Opay account earlier, the following steps will guide you on how to do that successfully.
Steps to create an Opay account:
- Go to Google Playstore to download Opay app.
- Signup with your valid phone number without the first “0”.
- Verify your account with the code sent to your phone number.
- Login with your password.
- Add your personal info as in your ID card.
- Set up a payment pin.
- Go to your email and verify your email address.
STEP 6: Link your Opay account to Opera News hub
While Opera holds the rights to approve your account and decide which of your articles will go live, it’s your own duty to link your Opay account to the hub so you can start monitoring your earnings in real time as you earn some money.
At this stage, linking your Opay account to Opera news shouldn’t be a problem.
Go to your Opera news hub dashboard and do the following:
Login to your Opera News hub, click Account and scroll down till where you can see CONTACT INFO.
Click OPAY ACCOUNT and a page titled Update your Opay account will pop up.

Add your Opay number to the form and click Update.
Then you’re done!
You have successfully linked your Opay account to your Opera News hub.
So, you can continue publishing important articles and make money on the go. When it’s time to withdraw your earnings, go to your Opay account. It’s straightforward.
STEP 7: Create your first engaging post
This is where the movement of making Money on Opera Mini News Hub starts.
To that effect, we have written some quality and straight to point guids on How to Publish More Than One Articles in a Day on Opera News Hub Immediately. This guide will aslo assit you on writing good and ranking content to gain more traffic.
To create your first Opera News post, you need to launch your dashboard (as seen below) and click Create. On the main page of the board, you will see Article. Beneath the “Article” is where you’re going to start writing your post.

Before you start writing your first post, I will take a little time to introduce you on the important tools you would be using to create your ranking and engaging posts.
The one numbered as “2” is where you will place the title of your article and the one numbered as “3” is where you will add the body of your content.
- Click add title to enter your post title.
- Click the text area (3) to begin writing your post.
- You can as well use the H2 in the body of your post to add subheadings to the post.
When you’re done with the content, scroll down to finalize your post.

At this point, you have successfully completed the required steps in publishing your first ariticle.
Therefore, wait on Opera Mini to review your content and get it published if everything about it is found correct. Enjoy.